After nearly five years, the ValueCare project (Integrated outcome-based care for older people with ICT solutions) will come to a close autumn 2024, and we are incredibly excited to share our results.
Our consortium is currently working hard to finalise the project and we look forward to discussing with you the results of our large scale pilot, where patients, carers, and care professionals in seven European countries tested a new method of value-based working with an integrated digital solution.
On the 12th and 13th of September 2024, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, we will host a free public event to present and discuss the findings with you. Attendees will be able to learn about challenges and successes and how the value-based care model works in practice.
The ValueCare consortium looks forward to hear about your experiences in this field, and wants to learn from your comments. There will be inspiring external speakers sharing their perspectives from science, practice and policy.
During the event, we will also launch the ValueCare book on Integrated outcome-based care for older people with ICT solutions. Participants will receive a free copy.
The ValueCare book will give an in-depth look on the challenges and potential solutions regarding integrated care for the increasing population of older people. Researchers and innovators who prepare new European funded care projects are welcomed to build upon our lessons learned.
To make sure you can join the final conference of the ValueCare project, register for your place now.
Registration is now open.
There is no charge, but places are limited for the ValueCare in-person event in Rotterdam.
To register, click the link below and complete the Microsoft Form on the (secure) external page.While completing the form, you will be able to choose between attending in-person in Rotterdam, the Netherlands or joining us online.
You will receive a confirmation email shortly after completing.