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Connected activities


14 March 2024

Meeting on good practices by signatories

Moderator: Ignacio Socias, IFFD International Federation for Family Development


Presentation of good practices from:


Susana Camarero Benítez Vicepresidenta Segunda del Gobierno Valenciano y Consellera de Servicios Sociales, Igualdad y Vivienda


Christine Gaschler-Andreasch, Region Carinthia, Department of Children and Youth Services


Adam Szponka, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Director of Regional Centre for Social Policy Torun


Dott.ssa Gianna Zamaro, Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Director Health, Social Policies and Disability


Dott. ssa Donata Gaspari, European Affairs, Urban authority from the Municipality of Vicenza


Dott. Giovanni Sollima, Centro Sollievo, Vittorio Veneto

Signature of Venice Declaration

European Regional Inclusive Cities for Sustainable Families project


Focus on selected European and International activities and partnerships

  A.N.N.A. Presentazione progetto A.N.N.A. (Accoglienza – Nascita – Natura - Attenzione) 


Day 2 - 15 March10.00 – 13.00


Raise-Awareness Meeting in Celebration of the30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family-Climate Change and its Impact on Families and their Well-being



Antonio Franzina

 Ηead of press office Veneto Regional Council
























Renata Kaczmarska Focal Point on the Family Division for Inclusive Social Development

(DISD)Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)


Ignacio Socias, Director of International Relations, International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)


Sra. María José Rico Ilma. Directora General del Instituto Valenciano de Servicios Sociales (IVASS) de la
Generalitat Valenciana


Roberto Ciambetti President of the Veneto Regional Council Member of the European Committee of the Regions Commission for Environment, Climate Change and Energy and Commission for Natural Resources ELISAN presidency

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